Hi! I’m Jamie Miller. I live in Huntsville, Alabama with my husband and three kids. I am passionate about helping women discover who God created them to be and help them re-ignite the dream inside that’s been buried over the years. And then, through encouragement and coaching, I help them determine what their next steps are and to take action so that they can live abundantly in their calling.

Have you ever asked, “What is my purpose in life?” For years, I struggled to understand my purpose. What is my true calling? I knew at a young age that I loved to help people–but I didn’t understand that God created me on purpose with a purpose to further His kingdom here on earth. In college, I bounced around from major to major and landed on elementary education. I loved being able to be creative and…helping people. However, I quickly realized that my natural gifting is not helping children. (I love kids…I’m just not called to serve them. 😉😉)

So then I made a huge pivot into the supply chain and logistics world. It wasn’t what I necessarily wanted to do, but the pay was good and I really didn’t know what other options I had.  During my career in the business world, I started to notice that my coworkers would pour their hearts out to me–their struggles, their fears, their hopes, and their dreams. They’d come to me to help them sort things out. At one point, someone even asked me to be a mentor and I couldn’t understand why. But I slowly began to realize that there was something inside of me that was stirring–my dream.

That began an intense discovery period of seeking God and finding coaching of my own. It took me WAY too long to finally discover that I was created to coach! It’s an amazing story that you can find throughout my blog posts and podcast episodes. I’m finally living my dream and walking in my God-given gifts and continually taking next steps as my dream gets bigger and bigger!

If you feel like you’re stuck, or like you are living someone else’s dream for your life, then you’ve come to the right place! I want to help you discover who God created you to be.  {He put a dream inside each one of us–a fulfilling purpose–and you are no exception! } Then I want to help you figure out what your next steps are so that you can start living in abundance!  Are you ready to discover your dream and live life to your fullest potential?