Silence the negativity from the RISE UP and Shine framework with Coach Jamie Miller, certified life coach to help you discover your purpose and live life to the fullest

Silence the Negativity

(“S” from the RISE UP & Shine Your Light framework)

Thoughts are powerful. In Romans 12:2, the Bible tells us that instead of conforming to the ways of this world, we should be transformed by the *renewing* of our mind. Science has proven that it is actually possible for us to renew our minds.  If you haven’t read anything by Dr. Caroline Leaf, you should! She’s an amazing cognitive neuroscientist that explains how our brains create thought patterns and how we can literally renew our mind by replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts instead. It’s no wonder, really, that God would create our brains to do this! What a huge blessing! 

How is your thought life lately? In my experience working with women, so many of us get caught in a pattern of negative self-talk and don’t even realize it.  It’s dangerous. The more you think a thought, the more your brain believes it as truth.  So if you are thinking negative thoughts, chances are, it’s affecting you more than you even realize. 

The enemy loves to whisper lies to us as often as we’ll let him. And sadly, most of us allow these lies to create regular thought patterns without even recognizing what’s happening. Before long, we’re overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, insecure, and doubting that we’re able to make a difference in the world. So how can you silence these negative thoughts and renew your mind?

Here are 3 things I’ve learned to do that I believe will help you too! 

1- Capture your negative thoughts.

This is something that takes a lot of practice and determination. First, you must admit that your thought life needs a little cleaning up.  Then, pay attention to your thoughts! It’s harder than it sounds, I know. But, start by paying close attention to your thoughts that use the words, “always” and “never.”  (Example: “I will always be this way,” or “I’ll never be able to make it happen.”)  These two key words are extremely powerful and can be good–however, it’s important to realize that using these absolutes when you are thinking about yourself can be very limiting. 

Once you are paying more attention to your thoughts, you will begin to hear yourself more and more. Think for just a few minutes about what your self-dialogue sounds like. What are some of the recurring themes? Do you doubt yourself? Do you call yourself fat? Dumb? Worthless? These are VERY dangerous thoughts! And, let’s just go ahead and say it: THEY ARE LIES! 

Each time you think any of these negative thoughts, stop what you are doing and “capture” that thought.  That just means you are taking note that you just thought something negatively and you are refusing to let it sink in. 

2- Replace the negative thoughts

Philipians 4:8 says,  “Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

As soon as you capture a negative thought, it’s imperative that you immediately replace it with something “true, honorable, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise.”  

Let’s pause for just a minute and really digest that! How often do you think of yourself this way? Would your current thought life be considered true, honorable, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise? Yikes! We know there is a very good reason the Bible tells us to think this way. God knows the enemy is full of lies and will do everything in his power to convince us that we are everything BUT true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise. And God also knows that He created us with powerful brains that can be renewed!

Dr. Leaf says it can take around 63 days to reprogram our thoughts. So, you have to commit and be intentional about capturing your negative thoughts and converting them into positive thoughts. But I promise you, you will not regret it! And I’ll even go one step further and say that the people you love will even begin to notice a change in you too!

3 – Speak Life!

Start saying it outloud! My pastor says that everything that comes from your mouth is either life or death. If it’s not true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, or worthy of praise, then it’s most likely death. Yikes! 

There is something super powerful about speaking life–out loud–about yourself and everyone around you. (And here’s a tip–speak life about the people you don’t even  like and watch God move!) Even when we don’t fully believe it yet, there is power in declaring positivity about who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to accomplish.  For example, maybe you don’t fully *feel* like you are able to start your own business (more to come about how feelings cannot be trusted!) but you know God has given you a desire in your heart to do it. As soon as you think, “There’s no way I could do all of that–I don’t have the right skills,” STOP! Capture that. Recognize that you just bought into a LIE from the devil himself and replace it with something like, “I believe God has given me a desire to start my business and I know He will equip me.”  Then, keep going and start saying it outloud (to yourself first and then to others as you see fit). “I am going to start my business! I am going to learn the skills and be successful!” 

You can do it! Don’t waste another day allowing negative thoughts to keep permeating your mind. God created us with the ability to renew our minds so take advantage of this amazing gift! It’s not too late! 

Here are just a few things that may help you in the process:

-Download my free, printable list of what the Bible says about you here. Print a few copies and put them wherever you need to be reminded.  In the car, by your mirror, on your desk, in your purse–everywhere!

-Read at least one Bible verse every single day. (My favorite apps: YouVersion Bible app and First5 app by Proverbs 31 Ministries)

-Put on some worship music. It’s amazing how your soul can feel a shift when you praise the Lord! We are super blessed here in the USA to have Christian stations on the radio. (While we were in Germany, I realized how much I took this for granted!) And of course, there are Worship channels on satellite radio and all the music apps. 

I can’t wait to hear from you as you start silencing the negativity in your mind! Life is too short to be negative! I’ll leave you with this one last verse…

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5