when the seed sprouts blog with coach jamie miller to help you find your purpose and calling in life

When the Seed Sprouts

Post originally published on truthandtransformation.wordpress.com in July of 2019.

Hey friends! This is Jamie. I haven’t written in a few months. Interestingly enough, the last time I wrote was when I shared about waiting for God to reveal himself.

What happened one week after I posted Waiting and Writing from the Watchtower is actually the reason why I haven’t written since April. What God revealed to me that following week has been mind-boggling and honestly, it has taken me a little while to process it and share about it publicly.

That following weekend after publishing that post, my husband and I took a weekend trip where I brought my Bible, journal, and a bag of inspirational books.  I desperately wanted to hear from God and get some clarity about my life. I even asked a few friends to pray for God to reveal himself to me as I sought Him.

It was a wonderful weekend and I read a LOT and prayed a LOT and even fasted (not a lot.. but more than I normally would. haha). I  thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Lord and with my husband. And on the way home, my sweet husband asked, “Well, do you feel like God spoke to you?”  My answer was a sad, “no.” I didn’t feel like I had any more clarity than before. I was disappointed, but trying to trust that He would reveal Himself in His timing.

We made it home just in time to meet the movers who were coming to pick up our dining room furniture for a lady who offered us $3800 for it, after we’d had it listed for sale for 6 months. {This detail seems irrelevant, but hang on… it turns out it was a defining moment!}

The next day, Monday, I discovered that my time card wasn’t sent to payroll and I would not be getting my paycheck that Thursday. Right before the panic had time to set in, I remembered that $3800 check! Praise God! Suddenly, a supernatural peace came over me and I heard “that voice” say to me, “You don’t need that paycheck; you need me. I am your resource.”

This was like a firecracker in my soul. Something was ignited! God truly IS in control! I dove in to podcasts, old journals, old emails, results from personality assessments and Spiritual gift assessments, etc. It was like finding pieces of a puzzle but not knowing how they fit together. Tuesday night, a friend texted that she was thinking about me so I asked her to pray for clarity for me. Wednesday, another friend texted with a similar message, so I asked her to pray specifically as well. I knew God was up to something and was sending encouragers to come alongside me to keep me going and to keep seeking. Dreams are only dreams until you wake up and take action! It was time to act.

Wednesday afternoon, all the pieces of the puzzle suddenly fit together! I am supposed to get certified as a life coach and start a business to help people reach their full potential and live the way God intended so that they may live abundantly and full of joy! It was the most amazing “ah-hah” moment ever! God revealed Himself if a mighty way and I remembered that 4 years ago, He planted a seed for a business concept and I even created a logo and researched how to apply for an LLC. I bought a domain (website) for it and everything! But then, after a few months of not really having any vision for it, I just let it go. The name kept popping up through the years and the idea of it never went away, but I had no idea what it would look like or how anything would even come to fruition. It was a shell of a vision, but no purpose. And 4 years later, I finally know the purpose.

I immediately began researching coaching certifications and institutions. There was one that stood out and seemed to align with my values and beliefs. And the best part–when I discovered that the program cost is $3800, all I could do was laugh! God’s timing and provisions are so perfect! My paycheck situation ended up getting worked out the following week. Then I applied, got accepted, and registered for the coaching program and paid for it using the timely $3800 we got from selling the furniture. I’ll start the program next month!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us… Ephesians 3:20

I can’t wait to step into this new season and discover where God is leading me next. Keep seeking Him, friends! Like a bamboo shoot, sometimes the seeds are buried in order for the roots to grow deep enough to support the weight of the fruit that is coming! My little seed that was planted so long ago has finally sprouted. Thank you, Lord!



Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your divine timing. Please forgive me for all the times I was impatient or upset because I couldn’t see things clearly. I trust your timing and I trust your plans for my life. I pray for everyone reading this who is waiting on their seed to sprout–give them wisdom and clarity and endurance to keep seeking and to keep dreaming until it’s time for them to wake up and take action. Fertilize their seeds, oh Lord, so that they will be ready to grow at just the right time! In Jesus’ name, Amen!